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Agenda – London ’18 | Day 2

Financial seminars have changed throughout the years. Yet, the objective and goal remains the same.

To teach the attendees proper financial management and show the how-to guide to execute their plans.

While these types of seminars are very helpful, the real question lays the things that go in a seminar that makes it a success?

Following are handful of the tried and tested techniques that can be tried in increasing the attendance and turning prospects into new clients.

Tip 1. Learn more about Your Audience

It is essential that you learn more about your audience before sending out invitations to the financial seminar. The end goal here is to fill the room only with quality and qualified prospects. Meaning, after the seminar, they are the ones who are likely to seek your services.

Tip 2. Deliver an Informative Presentation

Make it a point that the entire presentation is both informative and educational. Not to mention, has a touch of entertainment. Educating the prospects at the early phase of the process helps in setting the right expectations and at the same time, assists in developing rapport.

Tip 3. Show Your Genuine Hospitality

Seminars are wonderful opportunities in presenting a product or new strategy or technique. At the same time, it serves a chance in meeting new prospects in person, build professional relationship and establish a more personal connection.

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