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Agenda – London ’17 | Day 1

It is highly recommended that you talk to experienced and seasoned meeting planners if you want your business meetings to be effective and successful.

These people are basically professionals who have the knowledge and can make the event a roaring success.

Factors that Affect the Success of a Meeting

Always remember that having a theme for your meeting is crucial. It’s vital that the agenda compels the attendees. This is the single best way of attracting as much attendees as you can. It’s true that most business people love attending events but don’t expect anyone to attend yours if they are sensing that it is going to be dull and boring.

Of course, aside from preparing a theme, be considerate with the people who will be partaking at the meeting. Pick a date that is convenient for everyone. Even most engaging agendas, meetings that are not properly scheduled can be seen more of an inconvenience than a priceless experience.

When to Send Invitations?

Furthermore, be sure that the invitations are sent at least weeks or months before the actual meeting. This is a critical factor that can determine the number of attendees. In addition, you must remind them constantly of the event. This is true particularly for those who’ve confirmed that they’ll attend. Think of unique and one-of-a-kind ideas on how you can make the event exciting for guests.
