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Ways to Finance a Business

  1. Here are common ways to finance your own business:
  2. 1. Finance your business out of your own pocket. A great percentage started their business with their own money. If you do not have the money to start your own business, sell personal high priced assets that you simply don’t need to raise the needed funds.
    2. Look for Angel Investors who can invest in your business. These are people who have money who has been very successful in their own business or careers. They are usually looking for opportunities to get high return on their money. These investors usually have a reserve fund for other investments. They can also give you guidance with running your business.

  3. 3. Friend and family. This is commonly termed as “love” money. People will give or lend you money because they love you. Make sure to put everything in writing.
    4. Credit cards. This is a fast and easy way. Before relying on these cards, consider the risks that come with it.
    5. Bank loans. This loans are usually hard to acquire. Make sure you can repay these loans to avoid interests. These loans usually need a collateral when you apply for a loan.